Hi, I’m Tilly. I’m a heriteen at Heritage. I love being at the club because everyone is like family and are really nice, new friends and old friends.
It’s really easy to make friends, even if it’s your first time being a naturist. I’ve been going since I was a baby and I look forward to going there for family week each year.
I go 2-3 times a year (since I now live quite a long way from Heritage) but it’s a treat when I get to go.

At Heritage there is loads to do. You can chill out in the youth hut since there is a TV, a football table and a computer (my favourite) or simply sit around chatting. You can also play sports like football, volleyball, tennis, boules and swimming.
At Heritage everyone is nice and it’s really safe to run around. During family fun week in August there are activities all day, everyday, and I think all the heriteens look forward to it. There is a water slide and it is put on the field with a big, long, slippery mat underneath which you slide down on to, it’s loads of fun. The slide also goes on the side of the pool (of course !).

There are other things to do like water fights, sports and morning activities, but I’m not normally up. In the evening there is different entertainment like discos, quizzes, karaoke, games night and my favourite, survival night for 10-18 year olds.
We create a fire, put up tents and do challenges to find the food. When we have found the food we have to cook it ourselves (with adult supervision, of course), then we settle down in our ‘half a tent’ and tell scary stories.
I would recommend the club to anyone, it is really fun. So come and join as soon as you can and I can hopefully meet you 😉 (Tilly aged 14).